I posted about this idea a couple of months ago and I've finally been able to get it out of the spider web brain onto paper; could I BE any more excited to share it with you?
This is not available to the public yet; it's part of something larger that I'm working on, but I separated it out as a giveaway for an upcoming event and plan to also offer it separately once the larger project is also available.
What's the larger project? You'll see - it's at the end of the document attached!
Without further ado, I present Bautie Awareness.
I hope this is helpful, and cannot wait for the final part to be done; it really rounds things out.
PS Sorry I've been so MIA... I've been working on this, but like most everyone, I've also been really distracted and focusing has been a struggle that last few weeks. I cranked out a ton of work Sept and then Oct took an energetic 180. Anyway, it feels good to get this done, so hopefully this is a bit of momentum.
Stay (get?) regulated,